I live with three Arabian geldings. Two geldings are full brothers born on my property with me as the hovering and unnecessary midwife. They are Danzarr Moon, first born and a beautiful bay. He is silly, scared most of the time at his own shadow, but a multi-champion long distance horse who has competed in six 3-day 100 mile rides and even was reserve champion on one of them. He's also won championships at other mileages. He's tireless and brave everywhere but in his own backyard.
The second born is Merlyn's Moon, a beautiful chestnut. He is the image of his father, Crimson Zarr, owned by a dear friend and both of the boys' godmother, Eileen Cornwell. Merlyn is stocky and brave. Nothing phases him. As no two children are alike, no horses are alike either, even if they are full blooded brothers. Merlyn has gone on a 50 mile riding adventure but has not yet done any long distance competition which is sort of my fault. I'm a bit of a chicken at my age and he's so powerful and strong, he intimidates me. I have ridden him but not a lot. But then, when a horse is as beautiful as he is, it is often enough just to stand and watch him charge across a pasture racing toward you at a dead run, putting the breaks on, rearing straight up and coming down in front of you, never once touching you except with a little flying dirt. He's all actor! (Runs in the family!)

Gandolf is kind and gentle. Even though at 24 years, he's a senior and retired from competition, he's still quite a lot of horse to handle on the trail. He is my best friend and has taken care of me for the majority of those 3,000 miles. He did anything I ever asked of him. If you look in the dictionary under "once-in-a-lifetime horse", his photo will be there and I'm standing right beside him. He is my hero and care-taker. He is a true Hall of Fame Horse.
The boys have a definite pecking order. Gandolf is, of course, the boss. He pastures with Danzarr and herds him around the field on their daily routine. Danzarr doesn't seem to mind. Whenever Danzarr gets out with his younger brother, he herds Merlyn the same way Gandolf herds him.
The special thing about these three horses is that they are all related. Gandolf is Merlyn and Danzarr's uncle, being the half brother of the boy's sire, Crimson Zarr.
Family is family, regardless of the species. They're totally different but they are the same; they argue and disagree, but they love and put up with each other no matter what.
Because they are a part of my family, I know this is true.
Photo Credits: Becky Siler, Gandolf and I, Becky Siler, Gandolf, FL, FHA 100 Mile Ride, Ken Siler, Ocala, FL, FHA 2-Day 50 Mile Ride, 2001 Danzarr Moon and Carol Clark (outside) CC Baron Gandolf and Beth Carlson Lewis (inside). This is the most perfect horse photo I've ever had taken.
Photo Credits: Becky Siler, Gandolf and I, Becky Siler, Gandolf, FL, FHA 100 Mile Ride, Ken Siler, Ocala, FL, FHA 2-Day 50 Mile Ride, 2001 Danzarr Moon and Carol Clark (outside) CC Baron Gandolf and Beth Carlson Lewis (inside). This is the most perfect horse photo I've ever had taken.
My story is for Vikki Keller who patiently rode Danzarr Moon through his first competitive season (1998-1999) and won a Grand Championship on her very first ride. At the end of that season, she and Danzarr won Grand Champion Competitive Horse for the year, High Point Arabian, and was part of our Competitive Trail Gold Medal Team.
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